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November 18, 2009

There has been scant reporting of the outbreak of a flu pandemic in the Ukraine, but it has been covered briefly in an article in the UK Express:
Full and graphic information of the Ukraine situation is available on this site:

The following article connects some interesting dots and we need to be aware of what is going on.  Please send love and light to the people of the Ukraine.

Tim Alexander, Earl of Stirling,  on Baxter’s Ukraine Advanced Bioweapon Outbreak:
November 13, 2009 at 3:37 pm

Armageddon Has Begun

A Tale of Two Stories: The European BioWar outbreak and the censoring of it by the mainstream news media.

UPDATE: Latest Ukraine Plague figures: 1,253,558 very ill; 65,615 hospitalized in serious to critical condition. These are Ukraine only figures. [estimated deaths are 11 percent of the hospitalizations – or around 6000 or so -ed]

The biggest story on the Planet today is the outbreak of a very serious Advanced Biological War virus in Europe. The second biggest story on the Planet is the suppression of this story for almost two weeks by the corporate owned mainstream news media.

There is a lot we know and a lot that we can only speculate on about what is
unfolding in Central Europe. We know that in mid-October, less than a month ago, there was a growing number of cases of what many thought was Swine Flu (A/H1N1) in the western part of the Ukraine. We know that many hundreds if not thousands of people in western Ukraine witnessed low flying light airplanes aerosol spraying something over Ukrainian cities during the days of October 29, 2009 and October 31, 2009. We know that beginning the night of October 29th, massive numbers of people begin to get very sick. We know that the Ukraine government issued a statement denying that it was doing any aerial spraying to combat the growing disease or authorizing any spraying over Ukrainian cities. We know that by October 30th, the Ukrainian authorities closed all schools for three weeks and banded public gatherings. Read more…

Stop MK ULTRA Programs NOW!

November 16, 2009

Comment by Rachael: 2012/01/12 at 5:13 am

On one thing you are mistaken: MK Ultra and radiation human experimentation were admitted to by our government during the President’s Advisory Committee On Human Radiation Experiments in 1995. The testimonies are available on video go to YouTube or other such sites and view testimonies. Many documented victims were intimidated covertly into not appearing at this committee and not being part of the class action lawsuit. Obviously they titled it only to deal with radiation so it further hides the mind control experimentation from the public or confuses curious people reading up on this subject. They should have been military tribunals but that was part of the scam and cover up-right under our noses. And victims got paid off but NO ONE INVOLVED EVER GOT TRIED FOR WAR CRIMES.
Therapists can’t treat Ritual Abuse survivors without fear of losing licenses but perps from the medical and academics field can do as they please on behalf of certain parties and there is no consequences. Its all bullshit. The propaganda makes people believe MK Ultra has no evidence behind it yet along with the Committee and testimonies to past horrors as well as current harassment to keep victims silenced (and under amnesia), there are declassified govt documents you can read many from a college internet system. PLEASE TELL READERS, SURVIVORS AND THE CURIOUS THAT PROOF DOES EXIST. Its the disinformation operatives who are responsible for making the public think these things are conspiracy.



It goes without saying that no Government of the world has acknowledged the existence of MK ULTRA MIND CONTROL programs. [see above comment]

Many people refuse to believe that such things as MK ULTRA programs exist or have continued since the supposed end of World War II where they were initiated by Hitler’s SS.  The continuation of many German War progams can be confirmed in the writings of Gregory Douglas who wrote about the fact that the members of the SS were brought to the US and formed the foundation for the CIA.  The war never really ended and the programs were merely moved to America and continued. German scientists headed up NASA rocket programs and Heinrich Mueller was made head of the CIA. In fact most people do not know the truth of the secret government, the Military/Industrial Complex, which is the real government of the world  which all our elected leaders condone and give service.  President Eisenhower gave us warning but we were too apathetic to follow his meaning and things just continued on getting more complex, sinister and secret. Read more…

The Turning of the Tide

November 15, 2009

churchAn Open Letter to Those Trusted Leaders Who Led Us Astray…

Ok, all ye leaders of fear-based religions, the game is up. You see, we’ve already got the game figured out and we’re not gonna play anymore. No longer are we going to allow you to rob us of our personal sovereignty. No longer are we going to allow you to put fear into the hearts of our Brothers and Sisters around the world so that YOU can offer them your own “brand” of salvation. Those days are over.

Every day more and more of us shed the weight of our collective ignorance and together we are sending out a clarion call to every corner of the earth, and our message is this:

“There is no place in Universal Consciousness for wrath; God’s or anyone else’s. There is no such thing as hell; other than the one that has been carefully created by religion in order to control us by fear. Each one of us is a piece of a universal energy (which many of us have come to know as God) and we have always been a part of this energy. This energy resides within each of us (as it does in all life) and our true awakening is heralded by our individual discovery of that which is our sole purpose here on this earth school…and that is our reconnection with the universal consciousness from whence we came”. Read more…

Pleiadian Message from the Galactic Federation of Light….

November 10, 2009

ufoI was enthralled with the concise and graphic explanations by Pleiadian Alaje in this series in 8 parts on Youtube.  This series is something perfect to send to anyone that may be seeking information and is a good introduction to becoming awake and aware.

These videos explain everything we need to know actually and include the nature of the Pleiadian Lightships and the fact that that they are conscious and operate on spiritual energy. Also explained is the difference in the ships of the forces of light and dark and the fact that we will sense the difference in energies between these different ships through our heart if it is open and we are operating fully from the heart. Read more…

A World Without The Noise Of The Combustion Engine!

October 25, 2009

Motorway (140x111)Perhaps in these all too serious times it may sound a little frivolous to take a few moments to imagine a world without the sound of the combustion engine in all it’s forms of buses, trucks, cars, planes and motorbikes.  I have one little trainer aircraft that perpetually buzzes my house like an irritating noisy fly that I cannot swat down! And of all combustion noises the  sound of a motorbike is particular irritating to me.

It will of course be a sad thing for some of us who particularly get a buzz from the sound of a well tuned Harley Davidson or Norton, or for that matter the unique sound of a Porsche.  Both the hoonibums and the motor buffs alike will no doubt mourn the loss of these aberrations of the 20th Century.  Perhaps they can have a soundproofed museum where they can still enjoy this while leaving the rest of us to the sounds of silence. Read more…

First Contact – What Do The Star People Look Like?

October 18, 2009

semjaseWho can we expect to meet on First Contact and what do they look like?

When we are still having trouble accepting one another on planet Earth, how will we cope with the different appearance of our Galactic neighbors? The greatest challenge confronting humanity has been the acceptance of our differences and not only in appearance and skin color.  We see  currently how hard it is for many white supremacists to accept President Obama , the first black president.  The lid has been lifted off this long festering problem and it is incredible that some think themselves superior because they are white.  So the age old drama is finally playing out. The way the president is handling it is magnificent. He recently said, “Well, I was black before I became President!”   This of course emphasized both the fact that he was elected and accepted by a majority as worthy of this position and obviously intelligent enough to do the job. A good sign that acceptance of our differences is on the increase.

With the amount of discrimination still going on in the world, how are we going to cope with the diversity that we will encounter when we meet our Galactic brothers and sisters?  It will be a shock to many but with some preparation we should be able to meet them with composure and acceptance.

So this is intended to be information about the Family of Light star people.We are told by the Galactic channels that there are many different groups here at this time.  But I guess if we can get our heads above our initial fear of differences involved in interacting with this diversity we will be able to cope with pretty much anything.

Although photographic evidence appears to be minimal, many sci-fi movies such as Star Wars, Matrix, ET, The Super Mario Bros, Independence Day, Star Trek, Deep Space Nine, Cocoon, etc. have depicted many different types of star people. Read more…

The Last Stock Market Rally in History?

October 16, 2009

r-WALL-STREET-huge I find it highly synchronistic that even while the most influential countries in today’s financial world rally against America’s financial corruption in a bid to banish the US Dollar from international trade/influence, the Dow Jones Industrial Average surges upwards (now over the $10,000 mark for the second straight day) and ever closer to the $10,325 high reached on October 3rd, 08 (just prior to the meltdown last October).

Meanwhile, the US Dollar continues its nosedive in international value at an amazing rate and yet the Dow Jones marches upwards oblivious to all that is going on around it! It is almost laughable.

An index was released today that showed America has just experienced (over the last 3 months) the highest number of foreclosures in history. Despite today’s news that 1 in every 136 homes are now in some level of foreclosure, the Dow went up 50 points!

I could go on and on but I am simply trying to make a point. No longer can anyone doubt that Wall street is pulling out all the stops to keep up the appearance of stability…even as it implodes. Read more…

Emergence, Emergency and Convergence is NOW!

October 7, 2009

globe with peope 2Emergence, Emergency and Convergence is NOW!

I love the English language and like to analyze words that  come into vogue. Emergence, Emergency and Convergence are such catchwords in common usage NOW. The dictionary definitions of these are as follows:

“Emergence” n. 1) the rising out of or coming forth from; 2)coming forth into view or notice; 3)the coming or arising of a question or concern;
“Emergency” n. 1) sudden and urgent occasion for action
“Convergence”n. 1)the act or result of moving towards each other as in lines which are not parallel; 2)tending to a common result, conclusion, etc.; 3)Maths (of an infinite sequence or numbers) to approach a single number, called the limit of sequence; 4)Biol. Similarity of form or structure caused by environment rather than heredity.

I was intrigued to find when I studied these definitions how appropriate the words are to describe our times. Certainly the emergence of the sorry state of our planet environmentally, of the unsustainability of our current lifestyles, economic and financial structures and the lack of accountability of our governments to WE, the people, plus the awareness of the changes in the planets of our universe by scientists indicating that they are heating up similarly to our planet Earth, are a part of the emergency that confronts us.

Read more…

Maintaining Positive Focus and Ascension Goals

September 28, 2009

Humpback WhaleThe management team of Share 11  Discussion Forum have taken a stand not to print artilcles that cause unnecessary fear and anxiety to members.   They post matters of interest to the Ascension process and fearful MSM articles are counterproductive. It is our objective to keep the frequency high at all times.  They can see no point in constantly parading articles that lower your vibration/frequency and make you focus on what is fearful.  This is important and not a trivial pursuit.

Don’t freak out at the mainstream media that is owned by the dark forces who are promoting everything  possible to create fear and manipulate us…. Do yourself a favour…. Turn off the TV and don’t buy the newspaper.  It only lowers your vibration. Read more…

Thoughts on our Future Reality

September 19, 2009


Science and ancient wisdoms are confirming that our Universe is changing and this is an approx. 26,000 year cycle… with this change to a higher vibration what will our lives be like?

The earth is going to undergo a dimensional shift which the Mayans have calculated happening on or about December 21, 2012. This is supported by many other ancient cultures: Tibetan, Hindu and oral traditions of all so called primitive cultures as well as remote viewing of our future and our scientific community. This is an astrological event and the earth has been through many similar cycles and shifts before.

In the past, civilizations have been completely erased numerous times during these shifts and it has taken thousands of years to regain the lost development, e.g. Atlantis and Lemuria. It is believed that Atlantis and Lemuria had technologies far more advanced than we have today, or rather than we are aware of existing today, because there is much evidence that the secret government of our world has developed through its black operations, technology of great sophistication that would revolutionize our world if implemented immediately. I do not propose to go into the reasons why this technology has not come forth over the last 100 years but rather to look at the changes to our world which are imminent with the dimensional shift and the emergence of these technologies and how it will affect our lives – those of us who decide to go with the shift. Read more…