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NESARA At Last? The Implications

December 3, 2009

The failure of the Federal Reserve to make payments long overdue through the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) has brought the world to an unprecedented financial crisis.  The behind the scenes activity has long been reported by Christopher Story’s World Reports and the latest update  is covered in his Global Analysis Report of 3 December 2009.  It proposes that the introduction finally of NESARA is seriously being considered. See “Archives” of World Reports for further background to this report.  Verification of Christopher Story’s credentials, sources and testimonials can be found on his website.

Excerpt from this report follows:

“     The Rest Of The World Issues A Dire Warning To The United States:
China Will Proceed With Execution Of Its Lien Etc., And Will Be Backed
By The Whole Of Humanity: Settle Now Or Suffer Irreparable Consequences

The following well informed elaborations and deductions flow from the above, within which the NESARA information has been passed to us by usually reliable ‘connected’ sources [however we cannot at this time elaborate on or confirm ANY of the NESARA data, and neither will we enter into ANY correspondence on the subject, especially given the fluidity of the situation overall]: Read more…

The Truth About the Iraq War Finally Coming Out

December 3, 2009

The current Chilcot Enquiry in the UK is at last bringing out the truth about the illegal Iraq War.  The fact long known by many that there was no justification for this war and that the agenda was completely different to that purported is confirmed by Christopher Story of World Reports in his Global Analysis of 3 December 2009.

I have been following these reports for some 4 years and have been amazed at the intrigues and criminality that goes on and is never reported in the press and mainstream media.  Truly these reports alone could provide James Bond with scripting for the next millennia.

This article is based on this important report (also see “Archives” for further background) by Christopher Story, who supports all his information with documentation and qualified informers who have been known to him for many years.   His credentials and testimonials can also be sourced on his website.

The Chilcot Enquiry testimony of many such as General Sir Michael Rose and also important documentation long suppressed by the Blair Government provided by Lord Goldsmith spells out the illegality of the war and its immorality long before the Blair Administration pushed the war before parliament without advising the public of its true agenda.  This is fully detailed in the report.

Excerpt from World Reports Global Analysis, 3 December, 2009:

”    On 30th November, George Pitcher, a columnist with The Daily Telegraph, wrote:

‘Tony Blair, with a truly toxic mixture of sanctimoniousness and wealth-enhancing chutzpah, has always maintained that his Iraq invasion was a just war. He has held firm to this shibboleth with trembling lip and quasi-religious conviction. But the letter to him from Lord Goldsmith, which emerged at the weekend, changes everything’. [Goldsmith was the Attorney General at the time]. Read more…


December 1, 2009

Guided Meditation for December – ” A New Chapter In Your Life” is found at the following link.. it is suggested that you copy it to your desktop for easy access:

Come and join me and let’s together co-create our new reality!
For simplicity you can join in the meditation Anywhere in the World at 8am or 8 pm. Read more…

Zeitgeist & Zeitgeist Addendum Revisited

November 28, 2009

Zeitgeist was made in 2007 and Zeitgeist Adendum in October 2008 and many people may have seen them, but to me they are still the seminal information on our history of maniuplation and control by secret societies since time immemorial right up to the present day and the proposed agenda, which I believe is not our current timeline if we all wake up and embrace who we are and take back our power.

I also like the graphic explanations of the various systems that largely are falling down around us now.

A revisit to these will help keep you on track mentally and emotionally and free from fear… providing clarity about what we don’t want in our lives and showing us where we have forfeited our power.

Go to the following link where you can choose language and download if you want…. Read more…

2012 The Movie – Convincing or Unbelievable?

November 26, 2009

Yesterday I decided to go see 2012 the Movie… I just happened to be near a theatre, 10 minutes before the next session and being guided by my instincts and the synchronicities in my life, I bought a ticket. I was interested to see the Illuminati message portrayed in this latest Hollywood disaster extravaganza with full on special effects that actually did not work for me.

I thought the beginning was very strange as it was set in India, rain, mud and seething population and down a former copper mine converted to earth laboratory with access to the earth’s core. The plot goes that the actual heating up of the earth’s core was first noticed there by an Indian scientist. The news is bad and the end of the world in nigh. For a movie that is projected 3 years from now, the technology was extremely primitive.  Read more…

CLIMATEGATE & Potential Release of Free Energy Technology

November 25, 2009

Climategate has received very little mainstream media exposure and yet it is one of the most exciting disclosures of secret government and corporation fraud worldwide. It will change our lives immeasurably.

Ever since I read Jeane Mannings” “The Coming Energy Revolution” over 15 years ago, I have been at a loss to understand why the wonderful inventions of Nikola Tesla were not implemented 100 years ago. The inventions of Tesla and many subsequent inventions that would have given us free non-polluting energy sources and avoided much of the carbon-based pollution for the last 100 years that should have been implemented over 100 years ago, were commandeered and hidden by the secret government and special interest corporations.

Over the last 50 years there have been many who have promoted these free energy sources, but many realized that while the corporations, special interest groups and secret organizations had buried the free energy technology and had control of media, military, our minds and the money systems that there was not going to be any possibility of this.

Global warming did some good… finally, it made us acknowledge the error of our ways in polluting our planet and wasting precious resources unnecessarily and question why we are accepting these redundant expensive technologies when we can have something so much better in every way. Energy systems that allow us total freedom from energy bills and the cleanup of the environment.  Many scientists have “disappeared” under suspicious circumstances by pushing their inventions (Project Camelot “In Tribute”) and others like Dr Brian O’Leary, former Astronaut, Scientist-Philosopher, in his latest book “The Energy Solution Revolution”, and Project Camelot have provided a forum for whistleblowers worldwide to tell their stories and also conduct this year many international conferences in Europe, USA, and Ecuador promoting Free Energy and Black Operation Technology disclosure as well as UFO disclosure and other issues. Read more…

Update – Ukraine “Black Lungs” Flu & Recent Chemtrails Activity

November 24, 2009

The following Ria Novosti press report states that of 1,636,000 victims..Death toll in Ukraine flu, ARVI epidemic reaches 388. The flu is being referred to in many reports as “black lung” flu, pneumonic or hemorrhagic flu.

Please see previous reports here to gain a background to this update.

This Youtube video of a report from RT( Russia Today) looks fairly comprehensively at all aspects of the Ukraine pandemic and even includes the possibility of aerial  spraying from planes over various cities reported by the population around the outbreak of this virus.

British scientists suspect that the swine flu virus has mutated in the Ukraine. Some doctors say that flu in the country has shown unprecedented symptoms, creating the effect of burnt lungs, the  UK Daily Mail reports. The similarity to the 1918 spanish flu and pneumonic flu indicate that this may be a new specially released laboratory combination or the H1N1 with added viruses.   It appears to be very virulent. Many reports have indicated that Tamiflu is not having any effect on this flu and apparently nobody has been vaccinated in the Ukraine so what is being called the “black lung” flu has not been caused by vaccination.   It is reported that the Ukraine has been quarantined by WHO currently and every effort is being made to contain the pandemic. Read more…

We Are Creating the Outcome, Not Observing It….

November 23, 2009

I have been half expecting the appearance of the whole “disproving Obama’s Identity” campaign in the main stream media lately. You know the stuff….the fake birth certificate, not eligible for the Presidency, his education history, etc? I was hearing about his birth certificate being fake along with his school records etc. back at the beginning of 2009.

Well, here is my 2 cents worth of “control the outcome” theory. And naturally,  this is all predicated on my solid assertion that Obama’s role in all of this is as we believe it to be.  This is part of my truth today. No if, ands or but’s. I believe that when we visualize the outcome with our focused intent, that this will manifest into our current reality. All the more so when a group is focused on a specific outcome! Our task then, for the next 3 years as we race towards ascension will presumably be to help manifest (in whatever way we are passionate about) the full awakening of the maximum number of humans in the time we have left before the coming divine deadline for ascension.

For now, we have been told that our mission is to anchor light and thus help defeat the dark and claim this all important victory. For today, it is seemingly our task to co-create the day to day changes with Obama and all those who call themselves the Earth Allies. This I believe with all my heart and soul. It is simply my truth; not necessarily anyone else’s and so I offer it freely, for the consideration of whoever chooses to read it, or not…

Read more…


November 19, 2009

Turn off your TV sets and don’t get hooked into even watching your favourite shows.  I have not watched TV for 8 years and I don’ t miss a thing and am right up to date with everything that is going on in the world worthy of note. For entertainment and light relief I select movies and documentaries  of my choice.

A pdf of the now out of print seminal work by now deceased Peter Bowart “Operation Mind Control” can be downloaded at the following link:

Click to access Operation_Mind_Control_-_Walter_Bowart.pdf

Plus I am not mindcontrolled emotionally by TV through all programming with their subliminal messages.  My brain is not being interfered with by the Mind Controllers! Even the entertainment for our children such as “Sesame Street” and “Romper Room” and probably all the multitudes of cartoons are implanting behavioural programming through subliminal messages into the minds of our children.  I was shocked to find that out as I had encouraged my children to watch these programs!

I thoroughly recommend the following Youtube video – TV Mind Control for Dummies. It articulates  how you are affected by TV even when it is merely on.

86 media corporations used to disseminate our news but  now there are  6 media corporations worldwide who own all media outlets and this will soon reduce to 3 with ongoing media takeovers and amalgamations which used to be controlled but now are largely unregulated.  For example the major news outlets are Reuters and Associated Press…. but Reuters own AP and Reutersis owned by the Rothschilds. Read more…


November 19, 2009

This Youtube video shows the SWAT team arresting Joseph Moshe and Dr Bill Deagle talking about the disappearance of Joseph Moshe, a well known Bacteriologist, who has disappeared after being arrested and relocated to Israel. I recommend all to read the article “Bioterrorism in the Ukraine?” which is posted here and gives vital background to this article, where the original information includes references to Dr Deagle, who is the person speaking on the Youtube Video.

I am happy to advise that several articles from ASCENSION Corner have been accepted by OEN where they can be viewed under the authorship of Noeline Clayfield, This will help to get this incredible information out there in spite of the Mainstream media minimal coverage of this matter.

The website that is keeping track of the numbers of Ukraine citizens affected or killed by this plague outbreak in the Ukraine is This site also has info on the WHO actions in the Ukraine including quarantine and other enforcements on the Ukraine people. Read more…